: Re: Erben Perez (Marc Anthony's bass player)

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Beitrag von / Posted by ( on 15 00, 2004 at 05:28:42:

In Reply to: Erben Perez (Marc Anthony's bass player) posted by Moet2002 on January 14, 2002 at 08:10:11:


Some 7 or so years later and look at you, I could not be more proud of you. You have accomplished everything I dreamt you would have and it is a pleasure knowing that I knew you once upon a time. The gigs at the Copa, Latin Quarter, Les Poulets, and our first meeting at the station in Brooklyn, you have made me so very proud. I hope your mom and family are doing well, I am sure the kids are big! Drop me a line (if you remember me...) here are a few clues.... Hambrecht & Quist..... 14thst and 10th ave (what a shithole!!!!) and the gold bracelet I gave you one year for Christmas. I'd love to hear from you just to catch up and see how your doing. Hope you no longer have those anxiety attacks!!
You've never were far from my thoughts....

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